A few years ago, I wrote a Python script titled The Random Conversation Generator. This would create a standard Junior year lunchtable conversation. Here is the script ported to JavaScript for the Web. About 5 people in the world will find this hilarious... despite the fact that the conversation seems completely random (which it is), it is frighteningly similar to such confabulations that occured between 2000-2001. Any coments can be sent to the usual place.

Cast of Characters

Chris - Myself
Mike - Almost me, but he's only ½ Italian. a.k.a. "Benni"
Bob - A hoevendor from Harleysville. a.k.a. "Black Rob"
Ed - Difficult to describe...
Donny - The lunchroom moderator

    For those of you who rememeber the original, you'll notice that this script doesn't display line-by-line. That's because JavaScripts' timing mechanisms suck. To get the same effect, set the number of lines to 1 and just keep clicking. That way you'll get one line at a time.

Number of lines:

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